What to do?
Just sight seeing will be great thing to do. Having a dollar of coconut water and the $1 food, and $2 is perfect gateway for you that don't want to spend more yet still be counted as vacation. Keep walking ahead to find the dock and go under the dock and pretend it s like Santa Monica pier would be good enough. Go on top spend 30 cent wouldn't be bad (as long as not many people around the dock).
Drawing won't be so ok because no landmark so far i could find or something which is cool or else to capture on my sketchbook. But if you want to make quick sketch of the beach kids activity that would be another thing. I did some photographs only. Many people will come over to offer a boat sailing. unfortunately i don't know how much was that since i wasn't interested, since the time was given from the tour guide was short enough.
So ok. Not too clean but Ok. But in here you can't wear bikini. You don't want to offend them who aren't allowed to show off a bit of skin by their belief law or something. So far i wore shorts i got attention but just at glance, no worry.